Designing for Inclusion at the Master Service Design – Poli.Design

I’m glad to be part of the Master Service Design, an international training programme – taught entirely in English – focused on a user-centred approach, and the development of service ideas from contextual research to prototyping. I focussed my lectures around the necessity to design to avoid exclusion and foster inclusivity. The first part of the course was meant to explore the meaning of inclusion and the business value of Inclusive Design. Mainly this class was focused on how toRead more

Why designing great experiences is no longer enough — Design Responsibility Evolution

This article is a collection of thoughts related to the evolution of Design Responsibility. The article is meant to target both Designers and Companies, to reflect on the big shift of Design responsibility that we have been experiencing in these years. This content was part of a lecture I had in Tokyo, Jan 2020. In this lecture I was exploring the way we should shift from human to humanity-centric design as it no longer optional to consider the impact onRead more

How do you manage to find a good balance between work and private life?

I’ve been working on understanding the secret recipe of how to reach a good balance between work and private life. I’ve just completed my 1st research round to investigate the main players of this game and their role/impact on the process to reach a better balance between work and private life. Read the full article on Medium “How do you manage to find a good balance between work and private life”. This 1st result has been reached thanks to the collaborationRead more

Inclusive Design Course @Politecnico of Milan

A new adventure is just started. Here we go: Inclusive Design course @ Politecnico di Milano. This course will elaborate further the role of designers, their responsibilities and the importance to empathise with diversity to deliver solutions with high impact on people. It is a through different design methodologies (UCD, Universal Design, Design for All, Inclusive Design, design thinking), the aim of this course is to enhance the designer’s sensitiveness, to better inform everyday decisions and provide them with toolsRead more

ServDes 2018 – From A to B, inclusive design for e-Mobility

Today, inclusivity means more than just overcoming physical barriers. It is about removing the barriers that create undue effort and separation, so to enable everyone to participate equally, confidently and independently in everyday activities. User diversity covers physical, conceptual, economic, cultural and social aspects. Designing for all is even more important when you are asked to design products and services that have a huge impact on people’s life, like mobility does. In that scenario, an inclusive approach is not an option.Read more

Design Happiness

Can we Design happiness? If yes, how? We have been facing these and much more questions to become the ‘happiest team in the company’! Our ambition is to create a ‘happiness framework’ to understand and preserve our happiness as team. Work in progress, but excellent outcome from the 1st iteration 😉 #Design #Happiness #Designthinking #workshop #servicedesign #transformation #research #UCDRead more

Design behavioural change

Behavioural change, here we go! My team and I have been working on improving the timesheet completion percentage per week. Very hot topic in the company  😉 #behaviouralChange #intrinsicMotivation #gamification #design #services #serviceDesign #lotsOfFun #experiencemappingRead more

Design for Voice

Another Voice UI challenge for my team. Since my first approach to conversational UI in 2012, I’ve learned that to Design Conversations is more complicated than people think: talking to a machine is not easy. But we had fun during our acting session to test the conversation 🙂 #design #VUI #conversations #conversationalUI #virtualAssistant #Alexa  #voiceUI  #userResearch #Prototyping #codesign #Testing #AlexaRead more